
Welcome to the SFI Affiliate Program!

If you have just registered, you will have this page in front of you inviting you to start collecting VersaPoints as one of the ways to earn money here. Clicking on each of those red boxes will give you the possibility to DO SOMETHING and EARN some VPs. When you finish one task, you will be brought back to the next task, until you finish all 6 boxes. Your boxes will show they are COMPLETED And the button below will become BLUE, inviting you to continue doing tasks from your TO-DO list. There are many tasks to do on your TO-DO list... many chances to grab some free VPs. Please, do not try to do it all at once... our brain needs some time to elaborate the info we are trying to "put in". And there are many info to "put in"... it will need a lot of reading and an open mind to "receive" those info. So, if you are not a good reader...or you don't have the will / time to LEARN, maybe, SFI is not for you. Do as many tasks from your TO-DO list as you ar...